Recreational action in T.K. Pouliithron: "We beautify our place!"

Our Association, in the context of implementing cultural actions and landscaping actions of the village of Poulithron, a few days ago implemented an action for the restoration of the wall of the "Schinaki" beach.

A few years ago, the isolated beach "Schinaki", which is located outside the settlement of Poulithra (E.O. Poulithra-Leonidi) and is a hidden gem of the area and a favorite beach of many, lost its natural beauty due to the necessary works that were done to protect the road. In order to prevent the road from collapsing, a concrete wall with stairs and railing for access to the beach was constructed by the Peloponnese Region.

The project, of course, caused the alteration of its landscape and character. The condition of the wall and the beach, before the landscaping intervention, can be seen in the image below:

As an Association, wanting to restore the appearance of the beach and make it an attraction for residents and visitors again, we proceeded with the implementation of an artistic project (wall painting), which acts as a "camouflage" of the concrete while sending a message about the protection of the wild flora and fauna of the area. For information, the village of Pouliithron belongs since 2016 to the Natura 2000 Network, with the code name GR2520005: MONI ELONAS KAI CHARADRA LEONIDIOU - SPILAIO MANA KAI GALAZIA LIMNI.

The work was realized by the German artist "Lake" (Christian Whale), with the voluntary participation of members of the Association "Polihni" and the Climbing - Mountaineering Association of Leonidi (A.O.S.L.) and represents 3 wild animals of our fauna (turtle, hawk, fox) and elements of flora. The colours used are of special technology and ingredients, in order to last for more than 15 years, without losing their colour tone. The cost of the materials was covered by the Association and sponsored by the Region of Peloponnese, following information from the Regional Governor of Peloponnese. κ. Panagiotis Nika, who approved and endorsed this action and we thank him for that!

Along with the wall painting, the access railings that had been rusted by the sea breeze were maintained and a wooden bench was placed at the top of the wall, in cooperation with the Municipality of Poulithron, so that visitors can rest and enjoy the view.

Below are some indicative of the project:

We ask the friends of the club, the residents and visitors of the area who will visit the beach, to respect the project and if they take a photo of it for social media, do not forget to add with the photo the user Poulithra of Kynouria (facebook)!

We love our place and we want the best for it, because Poulithra, apart from being a wonderful place to live, is also a wonderful place to visit!

! More information about the artist "Lake" (Christian Whale), you can find on his website

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